Vegetarian World
The importance of vegetables in food
Vegetables are rich in vitamins, iron, minerals.
Fibers present in plant foods can exist in two forms: insoluble or soluble. Although these two fractions act in our body differently, both bring benefits to our health.
Insoluble fiber is found in cereals (brans in general), vegetables, fruits (especially husks) and legumes.
This type of fiber acts mainly in the lower part of our intestine (large intestine), and is responsible for preventing constipation and diseases such as diverticulitis and colon cancer.
The mechanisms by which insoluble fibers exert their effects are simple. As they are not digested or absorbed by the body, they increase the amount of waste in the intestine, facilitating bowel movement.
Soluble fiber is found mainly in foods such as oats, barley, citrus fruits (pomace), apples (with peel), guava and in certain gums and mucilages (guar gum, acacia gum, among others), widely used in the food industry. as thickeners and fiber sources.
This type of fiber acts mainly in the upper part of the gastrointestinal tract, more specifically in the stomach and small intestine, where digestion and absorption of nutrients takes place.
A balanced and healthy diet includes vegetables, vegetables, fruits, legumes, which are important foods as they contain fiber, vitamins, minerals and water.
All these nutrients are important for the formation of the organism and for its regulation. They must be present daily in meals as they provide vitamins and minerals.
In cooking, you should use the water from the vegetables and vegetables to make soups, broths and stews.
Leafy Vegetables:
The green leaves reflect the very manifestation of prana (vital energy) in condensed form. Through the power of photosynthesis, the leaves concentrate sunlight, which, in turn, transforms all energy into biodigestive matter. It contains all the vitamins, minerals and albuminoids, plus chlorophyll, which helps to renew the blood, and cellulose for the digestive tract (already mentioned above).
It is a highly powerful food, due to the concentration of accumulated vibrations of light and radiation that generate full vitality in the body.
Most leaves contain: vitamins A, C, D, E, calcium, iron, magnesium and many others. The leaves are loaded with the spiritual essence they receive from the Sun, which contributes vital and magnetic energy, necessary for the spiritual aspect of life.
Source: "Viver Vegetariano"_ Maria Laura Garcia Packer
ACELGARica em Vitamina A e fibras. Tem ação alcalinizante e é muito indicada no tratamento de gastrite e úlcera. | AGRIÃODiurético, depurador do sangue, vermífugo e purifica o fígado. Rico em enxofre, potássio, cálcio, magnésio, cloro e vitamina A. | ALFACEFonte de vitaminas A, B1 e B2, potássio, ferro e cálcio. Laxativa, diurética, calmante e desintoxicante. |
CHICÓRIAContém vitamina A, potássio e sódio. Digestiva, depurativa do sangue, laxativa, diurética, além de purificar o estômago e o fígado. | COUVERiquíssima em vitamina A e C, cálcio, potássio e magnésio. Combate as enfermidades do fígado, cálculos renais, colite ulcerativa. Alcaliniza o sangue e fortalece o corpo contra diversas infermidades. | ESPINAFRERico em potássio, cálcio, fósforo, ferro, vitaminas A e E. Bom para anemias, fraqueza orgânica. Fortificante, diurético e laxativo. |
ESCAROLAA escarola, é na verdade, um tipo de chicória. Então as funções são similares: rica em fibras, possui uma substância chamada de inulina, que protege contra o câncer de cólon. Ela também promove o a melhor absorção de nutrientes e sais minerais no intestino.A escarola é rica em carotenoides, agentes associados à proteção das células do corpo contra a ação dos radicais livres. | REPOLHOAlto teor de potássio, cálcio, vitaminas B1 e C. Excelente para problemas estomacais, úlcera e gastrite. Estimula o peristaltismo intestinal. Prevenção de câncer. | RÚCULAPossui vitaminas A e C, cálcio e ferro, sendo pobre em calorias. Desintoxicante. antioxidante, previne o câncer. |