Vegetarian World
The roots bring the strength of the earth to us.
They are the mineral ingredients that complement our food.They are generators of concentrated energyand therefore have a fundamental role in the formation of thecharacter, firmness of purpose, concentration, stability and balance of the body.
They have many fibers that collaborate for intestinal peristalsis, nutrition and detoxification of our body. In addition to mineral salts, responsible for the balance of sodium and potassium, as well as important micronutrients.
The eastern tradition tells thatthe aroma of ginger boosts confidence and determination.
The roots were traditionally used as medicine and not as food. The medicinal function was the only one attributed by the Greeks and Romans to celery, this crunchy delight that today refreshes the most sophisticated dishes. Ginger was used by Chinese sailors as a relief from seasickness; Currently, the medicinal properties of ginger are proven and the root continues to be used in cases of nausea and digestive problems.
Edible roots are born from the original seed with a nutritional task and preserve it as long as there is organic life in the green body they feed. Like the umbilical cord, they go further, once extracted from the earth and separated from the original plant: in addition to having medicinal properties, they are excellent quality food, low in calories and rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals.
A single carrot provides 220% of our daily vitamin A requirement!The bright red of beetroot tells us about its iron content, added to potassium, magnesium and fiber that enrich the nutritional value of this root, essential for the proper functioning of the liver and the regeneration of its cells.
Source _ Book: "Viver Vegetariano" by Maria Laura Garcia Packer
A cebola is a plant of the Liliaceae family and can be used as food, condiment and medicine.
It is the “twin sister” of alho and since ancient times it was already known and appreciated by many peoples, attributing its origin to the continent_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5905-7 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Asian.
It has an oval shape, with an orange peel and internally composed of layers. Contains proven therapeutic properties: flavonoids (anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory), sodium, calcium,_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad35cf58d_potassium, iron-81c-de90-bb315 136bad5cf58d_phosphorus, in addition to vitamins C e complex B.
In culinária, onion is used for the preparation of broths, soups, milanesas, soufflés, pies, fillings, etc.
Estudos comprovam que a cebola contém componentes capazes de reduzir risco de tumores de intestino, estômago e próstata, e age contra bactérias causadoras de cáries. Para esta eficácia, se faz necessário a ingestão de duas cebolas por semana .
There are three types of onion:white, with stronger flavor, a Yellow(most consumed in Brazil) and a purple, this being preferred in many communities, as it has a milder flavor.
Onion storage outside the refrigerator should be in a dry, dark, well-ventilated place. In the refrigerator it is possible to keep it forup to twenty-four hours chopped and in a closed container.
A curiosity about the onion is why it makes people "cry" when it is cut. In it there is a substance chamada sulfuric acid,that when enteringcontact with eyes, irritates and makes watering.
Another curiosity is that in antiquityos faraós were buried with onions, as it was considered a sign of eternity,already in the Middle Ages, the onion was used as currency.
Reduces o cholesterol;
Lowers blood pressure, reducing the risks of high blood pressure;
Prevents the formation of blood clots;
Helps the body against infections;
Expels toxic substances;
It's good for the voice;
Cleans the digestive tract;
Optimal for syrup preparation;
Helps in the treatment of boils;
Prevent a cough;
Combats rheumatism;
Combats toothache;
Fight disease de chagas;
It is indicated to whet the appetite;
Regularizes stomach ailments;
Great against constipation;
Swellings of any kind;
Great diuretic.
To avoid eye irritation when cutting an onion,just put a piece of bread on the tip of the knife(it absorbs a good part of the smell and gases expelled by it), put the onion in the fridge for about ten minutes, or still, soak it in boiling water.
When peeling an onion, try placing a matchstick (unlit) between your teeth. The sulfur in the head of the toothpick will absorb the gases from the onion, which cause tears;
the onion toostimulates hair growth;
Frozen onion is only suitable for use in boiled and baked dishes;
onion skin teais advised whenwe are hoarse and have difficulty speaking;
By rubbing your hands with a little salt and rinsing in running water, the onion smell will come out easily;
You can also remove the onion smell from your hands by rubbing them with a little used ground coffee.
Source: Nutrition in Focus.
The super food!
Garlic, a relative of onions and leeks, has the power to lower cholesterol and blood pressure.
It has germicidal action fighting infections in addition to having antioxidants and flavonoids that fight aging and many other properties.
It is believed that most of these properties are due to the richness of sulfur substances in its composition. The healthiest action of garlic is its ability to improve heart conditions, its germicidal and anticancer actions. Anyway, garlic is one of the healthiest affordable foods!
- Has a compound calledajoeneis a natural antioxidant (fights free radicals) that has anti-clotting capabilities, thus helping to prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. helps prevent the spread of skin cancer.
- Compounds nos alhos have been shown to prevent Prostate Cancer.
- Consuming garlic protects against colon cancer: rids the colon of toxins and thus inhibits the growth of cancer cells.
- The Selenium e a Vitamin C found in garlic, are also known to protect against colon cancer.
- Decreases factors that can cause ulcers and stomach cancer.
- It has a substance called Allicin that promotes weight loss, as well as reducing blood pressure.
- O alho has been approved to reduce LDL (bad) cholesterol and increase HDL (good) cholesterol.
It reduced inflammation and pain in the body, making it beneficial for people with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
- Prevention of colds and flu: due to its antiviral and antibacterial properties, as well as its content of Vitamin C, o alho_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-13d_bad5 is a powerful agent against the common cold and the flu.
Fights the germs that cause tuberculosis.
- A component no alho called Diallyl Disulfide has been shown to kill leukemia cells.
- O Alho is a good source of Vitamin B6.
- It has been shown to be an anti-fungal agent, which is effective for treating fungal infections such as vaginitis and athlete's foot.
- May protect from diabetes and complications such as retinopathy, kidney disease, cardiovascular disease, and neuropathy.
It's not today that garlic receives the attribute of good food for health!
in the famousEbers papyrus, from 1550 BC, written in Ancient Egypt, there were more than 20 garlic-based recipes indicated to fight infections, headache and pharyngitis.
Other documents dating from 3,000 BC, prepared by theBabylonians, Chinese and Romansalso showed the use of garlic as a medicine. But it was Hippocrates, father of medicine, who first demonstrated in detail the use of garlic as a diuretic and laxative.
Pliny and Galen, Roman physicians, also used garlic to treat intestinal infections, digestive problems, high blood pressure, senility, and impotence. In Marco Polo's notes there are several showing the use of garlic by the Chinese for detoxification.
O Papiro Ebers é um dos tratados médicos mais antigos e importantes que se conhece !
Está em exibição na biblioteca da Universidade de Leipzig_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_e foi batizado em homenagem ao monge alemão Georg Ebers, que os adquiriu em_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_1873.
The papyrus contains more than 700 e remédios popular magic formulas in addition to an accurate description of the circulatory system