Vegetarian World
Is cow's milk good for us? MITO! ....Only for the calf.
The American dairy industry has invested heavily to convince the public that cow's milk is good for health.
In fact, it can cause obesity, coronary heart disease, diabetes, breast, prostate and colon cancer, autoimmune diseases, retinal and kidney diseases, type 1 diabetes in predisposed children. In addition to osteosporosis!!!
That's right! In addition to being the most common food allergy (80% of the world's population is lactose intolerant).
It causes intestinal bloating, sinusitis, migraine, in short, the list is long!
Their belief in something healthy spread around the world because they claimed it was high in protein and calcium.
But only 30% of the calcium in milk is absorbed by our body, while the calcium in cabbage, for example, is absorbed by 60%.
Lucky for us, there are several plant-based milks that are tasty and easy to make: almonds, macadamia nuts, rice, etc...
The bioavailability of food refers to the amount of nutrients absorbed and used by the body. This is because not all the nutrients consumed are actually used, and there may be interactions between substances or between the nutrients in the food itself, which increase or decrease the use of these nutrients.
These factors are very important, since the combination of foods can influence the bioavailability of nutrients essential for health.
For example: calcium needs magnesium to be absorbed; and protein needs calcium to be absorbed. Iron competes with calcium. High consumption of calcium without magnesium prevents iron absorption. High consumption of animal derivatives makes the body use calcium for protein to be absorbed.
Where will the body get calcium from? From your natural reserve of calcium, the bones!
Cow's milk is traditionally a health related food. But the human is the only being to consume milk (and of another species) in adult life.
There is a whole psychosocial aspect behind cow's milk, due to the importance and meaning of breastfeeding, but the ease of obtaining it through the cow and the progressive change in the lives of women in the labor market, obviously combined with an immense effort from the milk industry, were historically decisive in the creation of the “Milk Myth”.
Most of us grew up being told that we should drink as much milk as possible so that our bones are strong.
The milk sold in the past was quite different from what is sold today.
However, one thing is true, milkNEVERit was a good food option, as much as this information hurts, and is strange. And the studies are all available to those who are dedicated to searching and studying this subject in depth.
Sad, because when there is no commercial interest behind the studies, the information does not spread.
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You know that the market is increasingly competitive, so a cow that is not giving milk is synonymous with loss.
Whatever the trick used, the cows are “modulated” with HBG (pregnancy hormone) so that she can produce more milk and uninterrupted. Result of the “joke”: Dairy cows currently live only 6 years instead of 20 years and milk production, compared to 50 years ago, has increased by 250%. Just out there, we should already imagine that something is intoxicating the cows, right?
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Today's milk also undergoes a pasteurization process in an attempt to remove bacteria and microorganisms, so one of the benefits that milk could provide us, to improve our intestinal flora, goes away there too...
For you to understand, one of the novelties in medicine to fight and even prevent cancer is the use of specific combinations of pre and probiotics, which are nothing more than fibers and microorganisms that live in our intestinal flora and determine a good part of of our immunity, so in general I advise Yakult (despite having complete manipulations to do and that bring a huge benefit to those who use and perform a treatment).
One of the problems also of modernization is that the cow's food is no longer the same, it is all contaminated with pesticides and pesticides, so studies have already found the presence of:
Perclorato – bloqueia captaçãoo de Iodine Immensely Harming the Thyroid
Retardante de chama – PBDEs
Pesticidas – Disruptores endócrinos ( impair hormone production)
Substâncias radioativas
Metais pesados
The moment the cow is treated with HBG and she becomes falsely pregnant (pregnant), obviously a whole metabolic process takes place in her body and in addition to producing much more milk, she obviously has an increased production of hormones. Result (bad for anyone's body)!
59 different hormones have already been isolated in milk: 8 pituitary (pituitary), 7 steroidal (or sexual), - 6 thyroid,_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb5b11 growth factors.
There is even a hormone called Estrone, which is one of the types of Estrogens (female hormones) that is absurdly increased in this cow's milk.
Studies have shown that milking a pregnant cow generates 33-fold increased levels of Estrone, in addition to high levels of BSV (Bovine Somatrotopin and rBGH (Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone with high levels of IGF-1 - and there is still a professional who advises the ingestion of cow's milk and says that the use within all protocol and correct use of human GH, Human Growth Hormone causes cancer… big paradox, don't you think?).
Estrone concentration in whey:
_cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ -_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d =_ Cow not pregnant
_cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ -_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ -_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ -_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d-136
_cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ - days 2 pregnant cow
Estrone is a highly proliferating hormone and when increased it brings from “light” damages such as proliferation of fatty tissue, increase in cellulite, increase in abdominal fat, to other irreparable ones! In addition to cardiovascular diseases, cow's milk intake causes: Prostate Cancer, Ovarian Cancer, Breast Cancer, Heart Attack, Stroke, Osteosporosis, Diabetes, Peptic Ulcer, Multiple Sclerosis, Acne.
"Secrets to a Long Life"_ Dr. Victor Sorrentino
Too many references:
-Dairy products and bone health in children and young adults- AJLanou.
-A reevaluation of the evidence. Pediatrics 115 (2005) 736-43
-News Online "Conventional wisdom on milk questioned - Mar. 7, 2005.
-Milk, dietary calcium and bone fractures in women- D. Freskanich
-Am J Public Health- D Freskanich
-"Doctor's place is in the kitchen" - Dr. Alberto Gonzalez.