Vegetarian World
The menu suggestions below are for good ideas, but always check with a professional in the area what you can eat.
O seu corpo precisa estar sempre hidratado. Consuma água ou sucos no decorrer do dia.
Feito com sucos, frutas, sorvetes, iogurtes e outros ingredientes naturais, é uma ótima fonte de energia.
Fresco, saboroso, além de super nutritivo, é rico em fibras e minerais.
Mesmo iogurtes naturais e desnatados possuem muito açúcar. Se puder fazer o seu, melhor!
As oleaginosas podem compor um lanche entre as principais refeições. Pode-se consumir um tipo por dia.
Consumir a fruta é até mais saudável do que o suco, por causa da frutose.
Rico em proteínas, fibras, lipídios,Vitamina C, Vitamina B1 e Vitamina B2, Fósforo, Ferro e Cálcio.
Vide abaixo.
Vitamina E, B3, B6, folato e biotina. Além de minerais como ferro, magnésio, potássio, fósforo, zinco, selênio, cobre, manganês e cálcio.
What is granola?
Granola is a mixture of cereals (wheat fiber, oats, flaxseed, rice flakes), dried fruits, grains, oilseeds (cashew nuts and Brazil nuts). Some are also composed of honey and brown sugar.
What is the nutritional composition of granola?
Carbohydrate, lipids, fiber, vitamins (A, B1, B2, B6, B9, B12 and C) and minerals (iron, calcium and zinc).
Is granola diet friendly?
It can help with healthy eating when used together with another cereal that has a low glycemic load (ex: oatmeal, chia). Precisely because it has a high glycemic load, it is not indicated to be ingested alone and should not be consumed every day.
What are the benefits of granola?
Granola, when used in moderation, has health benefits. Because it is rich in fiber, helping in the proper functioning of the intestine, and, for having vitamins and minerals, it is considered an antioxidant, which helps in the delay of aging.
What is the healthiest variation?
It is important to pay attention to the composition of the granola, as there are many variations. The ideal ones are those with low sugar and reduced calorie content. And those that contain oilseeds and healthier grains (oats, flaxseed) instead of corn flakes and chocolate chips, for example.
Seven precautions we must take when buying and ingesting granola:
1) Pay attention to the composition of the granola (it cannot, for example, contain pieces of chocolate)
2) It must contain oilseeds (walnuts, Brazil nuts)
3) Take care of the amount of sugar. The less the better
4) Must not contain corn flakes
5) That the fiber value is greater than the fat value
6) That does not contain dyes in its composition
7) Do not exaggerate the daily amounts. In excess, it can increase body fat.
How can we incorporate granola into our diet?
You can use 1 tablespoon of granola with two tablespoons of oatmeal for breakfast. Many people use granola as a pre-workout snack. But it is not a good pre-workout food, as it contains a high glycemic load. For meals from 30 minutes to an hour before training, the most suitable is the low glycemic load food, to maintain blood glucose (blood sugar) throughout the training, providing energy until the end of the exercise.
Daily amount?
It varies a lot from individual to individual, but generally speaking, one tablespoon a day.
Celiacs cannot consume it because it contains gluten and diabetics because it contains sugar.
Nutritionist:Marcele Policarpo.