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Twhilein cubes: The “poison” that goes unnoticed.

Seasoning food is much easier with meat or vegetable broth, isn't it? But what we don't know is that the seasoning in cube can be considered almost as a “poison” for health. They contain high concentrations of sodium and chemical additives – such as monosodium glutamate, responsible for enhancing its flavor.


These additives stimulate the taste buds and make people take longer to be satisfied, thus adding to the damage. Worse than that, there is also a suspicion that MSG can cause cancer in the intestinal tract, as well as numerous blood pressure damage.


We know that eating well is essential for health. So try to eat protein-rich meals, vegetables and fruits. Everything is a matter of balance.


Bearing in mind that nowadays the main objective of the food industry is to obtain the highest possible income, we shouldn't be surprised to learn about the authentic "junk" that are currently sold in commercial establishments, don't you think?


One of these products is o tempero em cubo, that solid and square broth that you can find in lots in the supermarket. This and other products are present in practically every home in much of the world. But do you know what they are made of? Do you know how bad they are for your health? That's all we'll talk about next.


Diced seasoning contains hydrogenated fat


The first ingredient in the “spice cubes” is hydrogenated vegetable fat, which should have been banned from the food market a long time ago. Even though she may have an apparently innocent name, she is not innocent at all.


Although it exists in nature, being present in small amounts in the fat and milk of animals, without its consumption being harmful, the form produced industrially by man is the most harmful type of fat today.


It is known as “trans” fat. This fat is associated with several health problems and complications such as: cardiovascular problems, poor lipid profile, Alzheimer's disease, cancer, diabetes, liver problems and obesity.












Monosodium Glutamate


Regarding cubed seasoning flavor enhancers, monosodium glutamate, which although considered by the food industry and regulatory agencies to be “safe”, has in the past been associated with the “Chinese Restaurant Syndrome”, whose symptoms include pain headache, hot flashes, facial redness, tingling and stiffness in the back of the neck, chest tightness, gastric disorders such as nausea and vomiting, tachycardia and mood swings.


In addition, speculations have arisen sporadically about the relationship between monosodium glutamate intake and degenerative brain diseases such as Alzheimer's Disease, Ischemia and Parkinson's Disease.


It has also been suggested that it is responsible for a number of health conditions such as hyperactivity in children, obesity, allergic reactions, asthma, cancer and migraines.


Disodium Guanylate


The second ingredient in the group of flavor enhancers, disodium guanylate is a food additive that is normally used in synergy with glutamic acid (monosodium glutamate, which is often added to semi-ready products such as instant noodles, chips and other savory snacks, industrialized flavored rice, canned vegetables, dried meats and broths, canned or dehydrated soup, etc.).


Additionally, this ingredient is not safe for babies under twelve weeks, and should be avoided by asthmatics and people with gout.


Presence of Gluten


Another ingredient, present in the cubed seasoning and which stands out for being very harmful to health, is gluten, which is avoided at all costs by celiacs, who do not tolerate it.


Gluten is increasingly associated with a number of autoimmune diseases such as type 1 diabetes, autoimmune thyroid diseases, a Sjögren's Syndrome and nephropathy, among others.



Dye E 150c


The typical color of the cubes is mainly due to the dye E 150c. But what is this strange number? Yeah, it actually means ammonia caramel, a food coloring.


It has a dark brown to black color and has a burnt sugar odor. It is prepared by heating carbohydrates, with or without acids and alkalis, in the presence of ammonium compounds.


Excessive intake can lead to intestinal problems. It is also associated with body weight gain, reduced urine output associated with increased urine specific gravity, and diarrhea.




In the group of antioxidants we have BHA, an excellent antioxidant that prevents the oxidation of fats. However, you should know that the same chemical properties that make BHA an excellent antioxidant may also be related to certain negative health effects it has. The negative characteristics of BHA may contribute to the formation of tumors.


There is evidence that certain people may have difficulty metabolizing BHA, resulting in negative changes in health and behavior.


We don't even talk about the soy sauce present and how soy and derivatives contain compounds with estrogenic activity, from which men, especially, should stay away as much as possible.


We also don't talk about the dextrose (simple sugars with empty calories) present in the seasoning.













Before the emergence of the food industry, people didn't even know about cubed spices and cooked very well without them.


So, instead of cubed seasoning, learn to use condiments, spices, herbs and start putting aside this industrial creation loaded with chemicals e conservantes, which will not do you any favors your health, body composition and physical well-being.






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