Vegetarian World
These are the edible seeds or grains of grasses. They are part of the food habits of several peoples, due to their ease of maintenance and conservation; for its low cost and high nutritional value.
They have several nutrients such as: carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals, vitamins, enzymes and other substances. Whole grains, in addition to these nutrients, are rich in fiber.
Carbohydrates appear in high levels in the grain (78 to 83%), varying with the type of cereal and planting. Starch represents almost all of the carbohydrates in cereals. It is a glucose polysaccharide found in nature in the form of amylose and amylopectin.
Cereals are deficient in the amino acids lysine, threonine and tryptophan. This deficiency is compensated with the combination of foods (rice and beans), resulting in a mixture of better protein value.
Fats are mainly triglycerols, which are mostly found in germ, oats and corn.
The main whole grains used in our diet areoat, Obrown rice, Orye, alinseed, Oamaranth, aquinoa,Thebarley, Ocorn, Obuckwheatit's thewheat. The list of cereals is extensive, in addition to their flours, bran and germs.
Among the mineral salts present in cereals are: Na, K, Cl, P, Ca, MG, S, Fe. The vitamins found in cereals are those of the B complex, mainly B1, in the germ and the B2 more distributed in the grain. Vitamin E, is mainly found in the germ.
All starches are easily digested.
Cooking gives the products a better digestibility condition. Flours and flakes have a higher digestibility quotient than whole grains, crushed or not, as they contain cellulose, a fiber that is difficult to digest.
The proper ratio is one part beans to three parts rice.
Gluten is a substance present in cereals, especially wheat, formed by two proteins: gliadin and glutenin. These two proteins when mixed in water give the characteristic elasticity to bread making.
Some types of cereal:
Rice is one of the most important foods in the world, providing about half of the daily calories to half of the world's population and an important source of nutrition.
It is no wonder that in Asian countries, such as Thailand, rice is so valued that the translation of the word «comer» literally means «to eat rice».
The most popular and popular types of rice are brown rice and white rice, but there are actually over 8000 varieties!
Rice is often classified by size as small-grain, medium-grain, or long-grain. Short-grain rice, which has the highest starch content, makes rice stickier, while long-grain rice is lighter and tends to separate when cooked. The qualities of the medium grain fall between the other two types.
Another way rice is classified is by the degree of milling it undergoes. This is what makes brown rice different from white rice.
Although many people think that buckwheat is a cereal, it is actually the seed of a fruit related to removed.
1) Brown rice:
Brown rice is considered complete rice!
The thin husk that protects the brown rice has properties that control diabetes, reduce abdominal fat, provide several basic nutrients for the body such as folic acid, potassium and complex vitamins B, and these properties and benefits have been proven through studies carried out by nutritionists at Tuffs University in the United States of America.
The husk of brown rice is rich in fiber, which in contact with stomach fluids, form a type of gum that slows down digestion, so the body begins to slowly assimilate the sugars contained in the food, then controlling the production of insulin and controls the concentration of fat in the abdominal region.
Main benefits of brown rice:
Reduces bad cholesterol, due to gamma-oryzanol found in rice bran oil.
Decreases risk of type 2 diabetes, due to phytic acid, polyphenols, dietary fiber.
It helps to prevent and treat various forms of cancer, including pancreatic cancer, thanks to inositol hexaphosphate.
It helps in heart health due to the high amount of lignans and subaleurone components in a layer of grain tissue around brown rice. Energy is boosted due to manganese and the antioxidant enzyme called superoxide dismutase.
Weight loss can be reinforced with dietary fiber that guarantees the feeling of satisfaction you get after eating a serving of brown rice.
It improves colon health and may help prevent colon cancer, due to its dietary fiber and selenium.
It helps improve liver functions as it is detoxifying and supports the immune system due to high levels of glutathione peroxidase.
It reduces inflammation, mainly due to the high content of selenium.
Useful in the treatment of asthma, thanks to its high levels of magnesium.
It reduces migraines, due to its high levels of magnesium.
Calm the nerves, thanks to the magnesium and niacin content.
Improves bone health thanks to the magnesium content.
Help prevent female gallstones due to its contribution of insoluble fiber.
Brown rice also reduces cholesterol levels, prevents cardiovascular diseases, cancer and inflammation in the body, as well as replenishing several essential nutrients for the body, so the daily intake of this food guarantees the shielding of the body and the immune system, becoming a food of great potency for health.
Nutritionists recommend that at least four tablespoons of brown rice in meals is enough to benefit health, although brown rice is strongly linked to slimming properties according to popular culture.
2) White Rice:
3) Black Rice:
This rice undergoes a milling process, in which nutrients such as bran and germ are lost. White rice has a high glycemic index; its sugar quickly reaches the bloodstream, harming people on a weight loss diet; and has few nutrients. However, when combined with beans, its glycemic effect decreased and the protein content increased.
It is a short and half-rounded grain rice, soft texture, brownish flavor and aroma and black color.
Black rice has more protein and more fiber than brown rice itself. It is richer in phenolic compounds that are beneficial to human health, as they are substances that prevent aging due to their antioxidant power.
The skin that surrounds the grain of black brown rice is rich in carbohydrates, proteins, phenolic compounds, fiber, cobalt, vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12, niacin, nicotinic acid, pantathenic acid, pro-vitamins C and E.
4- Parboiled Rice:
This rice undergoes a partial boiling process. In this process, the whole grain is placed in tanks with hot water for a few hours, allowing the nutrients from the bran and the germ to penetrate the grain.
Then, the grain undergoes a gelatinization under hot steam in which vitamins and minerals are fixed, after drying, the grains are peeled, polished and selected. This type of rice contains more nutrients than white rice, is always fluffy and requires less oil in the preparation, but has less fiber than brown rice.
5- Basmati Rice:
Indian specialty. An aromatic rice with a nutty fragrance, delicate texture and light texture. It gets very loose after cooking. It is a long, thin grain rice that doubles in volume when cooked. Being semi-whole grain (peeled and only partially polished) it retains most of its nutritional properties and its intense distinctive aroma..
6 - 7 grain rice:
This product may contain brown rice, whole oats, barley, triticale, rye, whole wheat, wild rice, whole grain quinoa, soybeans and flaxseeds.
It is rich in fiber, which, in addition to helping intestinal functioning, has great power of satiety and can prevent some diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. It also contains many complex vitamins that act on our metabolism.
A super healthy food!
Quinoa looks a lot like couscous, but is much more nutritious! Full of fiber, iron, magnesium and manganese, quinoa is an excellent substitute for rice.
It is the golden grain, it is a pseudo-ceral, very rich.
Royal Quinoa, also known as red quinoa, was originally a food of the Incas e has the highest protein content of all grains!
It has a delicate flavor, crunchy texture and comes in many varieties, including white, black and red. Rich in essential minerals and vitamins and is gluten free.
This grain provides a complete nutritional profile, where 1 cup of cooked red quinoa has 222 calories, which helps to restrict calories for those looking to lose weight. Enjoy red quinoa in salads, soups as a light, healthy option.
Real red quinoa, and all varieties of quinoa, contain complete protein, meaning it has all nine essential amino acids in the correct proportions.
A cup of cooked red quinoa has 8.14 grams of protein. The recommended daily amount of protein is 46 grams for women and 56 grams for men.
It is considered energizing and nutritious, has high amounts of bran, available in either light or wholegrain varieties, with the most nutritious wholegrain variety. Since buckwheat does not contain gluten, it is suitable for a diet celiac.
It has more protein than rice, wheat or corn, a source of protein and iron.
It is also a source of manganese, magnésio (Magnesium is a mineral that helps lower blood vessel pressure.) Its beneficial effects are also linked to the presence of flavonoids, especially a rutina (Vitamin P-9581) and bb3b-136bad5cf58d_quercetin.
These prevent diseases, with their antioxidant action. Its protein is of high biological value as it contains all essential amino acids, including a lysine. Research claims that a diet rich in whole grains such as buckwheat prevents cardiovascular disease, including arteriosclerosis , due to its fiber content and other compounds, such as polyunsaturated fats.
Corn is a cereal rich in fiber, it is a great source of energy and helps eliminate toxins from the body, improving the body's functioning. Contrary to what many people think, cereal does not need to be cut out of diets to lose weight, it can be consumed in adequate doses.
Among the components of corn, vitamins A, B1 and C, magnesium and carotenoids stand out. This last compound is what gives corn its color and two of its substances, lutein and zeaxanthin, help with eye health: they protect vision from ultraviolet rays and prevent degeneration and even cataracts.
The benefits of corn:
Prevents the action of free radicals;
Helps in the good intestinal functioning;
Reduces cholesterol levels;
Reduces blood glucose levels;
Prevents cardiovascular problems;
Source of beta-carotene, fiber and vitamins;
Helps to metabolize fat faster;
It helps in the treatment of constipation, as it improves intestinal transit and accelerates digestion;
A vitamina A present in corn provides more shine and vitality to the skin, nails and hair;
The “corn hair” present in the cobs has a diuretic action, helping to eliminate excess uric acid.
Corn can be consumed in natura, in breakfast cereals, porridges, pies, hominy, couscous, polenta, pamonha, curau, cream of corn, popcorn, etc. O boiled corn is rich in fiber, and in order not to increase the caloric value too much, it is recommended to consume it with just a little salt. Popcorn is a food very nutritious, but it should be consumed moderately, in the measure of approximately one cup of tea. The white part of popcorn is rich in resistant starch, which is good for the intestines and for lowering the level of sugar in the body; and the husk is rich in antioxidants. Honeybean corn can be prepared with skimmed milk and sweetener. Corn oil is rich in polyunsaturated fats, which they are beneficial to the heart. The caloric value of corn depends on how it is consumed. Check below the amount of calories present in 100g of the following foods:
Green corn:129 calories
canned corn:109 calories
Maize starch:381 calories
Corn for hominy:371 calories
Corn for popcorn:362 calories
It is important to remember that canned corn is high in sodium and low in nutrients because of the conservation process. One option is to cook the corn on the cob and freeze it in small portions.
It is called "artery-friendly", as it is super efficient in fighting cholesterol!
Excellent for those who want to keep blood sugar levels under control, as it helps to avoid an overload of glucose and insulin, the hormone that carries sugary compounds into cells. Fiber allows glucose to be absorbed slowly and gradually, which in turn regulates the release of insulin.
It is no wonder that the cereal is already a strong ally for those who suffer from type 2 diabetes, since its fibers reduce blood glucose peaks.
It has a very unique fiber called Betaglucan, which after fermenting in the large intestine is responsible for creating molecules that fight harmful microorganisms and also reduce cholesterol, among other benefits:
Fibers: Oats contain two versions of the substance: the insoluble ones, which give consistency to the fecal cake, and the soluble ones, rich in Beta-glucan, which, when fermented in the intestine, protect it and lower cholesterol.
Vitamins: It is a stronghold of B-complex vitamins - Niacin (Vitamin B3), Thiamine (Vitamin B1) -, which are essential for maintaining mental health and body energy. In addition, it has vitamin E, whose antioxidant action prevents damage to cells caused by free radicals.
Minerals: There we will find Zinc, which also destroys free radical colonies. We still have silicon, an important mineral in the production of collagen, that substance responsible for the firmness and elasticity of the skin, and that women and men over thirty years of age are starting to lose. It also strengthens nails and hair.
Others: Selenium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus and Copper.
Proteins: It is one of the grains with the highest protein value,providing essential nutrients to various tissues and body functions.
Oats can be mixed with fruit or leaf salads, in the preparation of dough for breads and cookies, in porridges and juices, and others.
Just 3 tablespoons a day, or half a cup of tea, is enough to control cholesterol and keep blood sugar levels under control.
It was one of the first foods to receive the title of functional– in addition to providing essential substances to the body, it is able to prevent certain diseases.
It exists in 3 versions:
Flakes: This is theintegrally pressed grain– a process thatretains its main nutrients. It can be sprinkled over fruits, salads and yogurts. the version ofthin flakes– when they are subjected to grinding – it is traditionally used in the preparation of soups, porridges and pies.
Bran: This type comes fromouter layer of grainand, therefore, hasthe highest concentration of beta-glucan fibers– there are 9 grams for every 100 grams of bran. It can be sprinkled on a ready-made dish, juices, or mixed with dough for breads, cakes, cookies and others.
Flour: Usually obtained frominner part of the grainand thus loses the fiber portion to the bran and flake. It is mainly used in bread, pancake and cake recipes, and due to its nutrients, it becomes a healthier alternative to wheat flour, despite the high gluten content of both.
O grão de centeio é utilizado para fazer farinha, ração, cerveja, alguns tipos de whisky e grande parte das vodcas, as well as being widely used in the production of rye bread.
Rye is planted, alone or mixed, for forage do gado or to be harvested as hay. It is very tolerant of soil acidity and more acclimatized to dry and cold conditions than wheat, although it is not as cold tolerant as barley.
Acredita-se que o centeio seja originário de uma espécie selvagem que crescia como erva daninha em campos de trigo e_cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_barley.
The main nutrients present in rye are: carbohydrates, fiber, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, manganese and selenium. Strengthens the body's defense system - which helps to decrease as gripes and colds, for example.
Common in breads, cakes, pies and cookies.
It is considered a functional food, that is, it contains, in addition to its basic nutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, fats and fibers), its continuous use can increase organic defense and reduce the rate of cellular aging._cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
The composition of flaxseed contains proteins, dietary fibers and polyunsaturated fatty acids (Omega 3 and Omega 6), which give it the property of a functional food.
Flaxseed is the richest source of Omega 3 existing in nature!
Many studies are being carried out to confirm the benefits of regular consumption of flaxseed.
Some of these studies claim that flaxseed could help lower cholesterol levels as it is rich in soluble fiber. Other functions are also being studied and have benefits such as:
Slimming: Helps control obesity and unnecessary feeling of appetite, as it contains large amounts of dietary fiber, it has five times more fiber than oats. If you want to lose weight, take an extra spoon in the afternoons.
Gives more physical vitality: one of the most notable signs of improvement due to flaxseed consumption is the progressive increase in vitality and energy. Flaxseed increases the metabolic coefficient and efficiency in cellular energy production. The muscles recover from exercise fatigue.
Improves Nervous system: It's a treatment for blood pressure. Decreases nervous tension and a feeling of calm. It's a dose of energy for your brain, because it contains nutrients that reduce more Eurotransmitters (natural resuscitations) .
Fights Inflammatory Diseases: Flaxseed consumption decreases inflammatory conditions of all kinds: gastritis, hepatitis, arthritis, colitis, tonsillitis, meningitis, etc.
Combats fluid retention: Regular consumption of flaxseed helps the kidneys to excrete water and sodium. Water retention (edema) always accompanies a ankle inflammation, some form of obesity, premenstrual syndrome, all stages of cancer and cardiovascular disease.
Strengthens the Immune System: Flaxseed, because it contains essential oils Omega 3, 6, 9 and a great content of nutrients that we constantly require, makes our organism less sick, as it offers great resistance to diseases,
strengthens the Cardiovascular system: It is ideal for treating arteriosclerosis, eliminates cholesterol adhered in arteries, multiple sclerosis, coronary thrombosis, high blood pressure, cardiac arrhythmia, increases platelets in the prevention of blood clots.
Improves Intestinal Functioning: Prevents or cures colon cancer. Ideal for arthritis, constipation, stomach acid. It lubricates and regenerates the intestinal flora . Expulsion of gastric gases. It is a laxative par excellence. It prevents diverticula in the intestinal walls. Eliminates toxins and contaminants.
Helps to reduce bad cholesterol, PMS symptoms, menopause: Consume daily 1 tablespoon (soup) of flaxseed, preferably crushed (like crumbs) over food. Prevent the seeds from going through thermal heating processes so that their good fat does not oxidize.
Flaxseed contains a substance called taglandin, which regulates blood pressure and arterial function and plays an important role in calcium and energy metabolism.
Improves skin and hair conditions: With regular consumption of flaxseeds you will notice how your skin becomes smoother. It is useful for dry skin and skin that is sensitive to the sun's rays. It is ideal for skin problems such as: psoriasis and eczema .
It is also recommended as a face mask for deep skin cleansing. Helps to eliminate white cloth, blemishes, acne, pimples, etc.
It is excellent for baldness!
Two tablespoons a day, blended in a blender. Mix it in a glass of fruit juice, or over fruit, or with oatmeal, or yogurt for breakfast or lunch.
Another way to get the benefits of flaxseed is to consumelinseed oil,which is extracted from the whole seed, using extraction methods developed especially for this purpose (cold). The product obtained is bottled (to be used in salads or cold dishes) or placed in gelatin capsules, being used as an omega-3 supplement.
In addition to being caffeine free, a barley is gluten-free and can be consumed by gluten intolerant or people on a restrictive diet: _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-18d_badm55 substitute wheat flour for barley bran.
Rich in vitamins A, complex B, C and K; in minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, selenium, zinc, iodine and copper and with more than 20 essential amino acids, a green barley flour improves digestion, as it is a type of_cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_fiber that stimulates bowel function e also acts as a diuretic, eliminating excess fluid responsible for swelling.
Barley is also responsible for improving cell oxygenation. Its properties stimulate blood circulation which result in greater energy production in the cells. In addition to cell regeneration, a barley loses weight. The high concentration of vitamin B2 speeds up metabolism, stimulates energy production and therefore burns calories.
Rich in iodine, its actions are also related to hormonal control, as the substance acts with the thyroid glands.
It is known that 30% of the world demand for beer is supplied by Brazilian production (Embrapa) but the use of the grain goes far beyond fermentation and brewing.
There is Barley Coffee, for example, which, being free of caffeine, results in a drink very similar in color, appearance and taste to coffee, however, free of substances that over-stimulate the body.
Cereal is also full of benefits for the body and hair. Its properties regenerate skin cells and restore elasticity and hydration. Phosphorus is still responsible for strengthening the cell structure.
Biotin, a substance present in barley, stimulates the hair growth and nails. Chlorophyll has detox action.
Often found in bran, barley can replace wheat flour in bread, cake, and pie recipes. O café verde is made with the cereal, which can be added to soups and juices or bought in capsules at health food stores.
It is rich in protein, fiber, calcium, iron, phosphorus and magnesium. Regulates blood pressure and cholesterol.
Amaranth stands out for being rich in proteins with high biological value, which makes the food a great option for vegetarians, the elderly and those who practice physical activities.
The food still has more calcium than most other cereals.
In addition, as it has low amounts of phytic acid, tannins and oxalates, the bioavailability of calcium is high, that is, the mineral can be well used by the body.
Calcium, along with magnesium and phosphorus, which are present in high amounts in amaranth, are good for healthy bones and teeth.
Zinc is present in cereal and is important for the action of several enzymes. Amaranth also has vitamin C, a nutrient that contributes to the immune system.
Controls blood pressure / Helps in weight loss / Helps in gaining muscle mass / Prevents cancer/ control cholesterol
Some nutritionists recommend eating two to three tablespoons (about 45 grams) of the cereal a day.